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Your Profile

Hi, I'm Edwin Olivo 👋

Welcome to my portfolio! I'm a seasoned software developer ready to take you on a journey through my world of coding excellence. Dive into a showcase of innovative projects, impeccably crafted code, and a proven ability to transform ideas into impactful solutions. With expertise in web development, software engineering, and a knack for problem-solving, I invite you to discover the skills that set me apart. Your quest for a reliable and talented software developer ends right here.

Selected projects (5)

Extension / Manga Mexico

React • TypeScript • Raycast

Portfolio / Brutalism Concept Website

Astro • CSS3

Portfolio / Personal

Astro • Tailwind

Portfolio / Jokes

Laravel • Bootstrap

Portfolio / Password Generator

React • CSS3

Tech Stack

Programming Languages

Icons of several programming technologies.

Frameworks and Libraries

Icons of several programming technologies.

Data Base Management Systems

Icons of several programming technologies.


Icons of several programming technologies.

Operative Systems

Icons of several programming technologies.


Fundamentals of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat • feb. 2024

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

freeCodeCamp • jan. 2022

Back End Development and APIs

freeCodeCamp • mar. 2022